The Publications screen is made up of 2 parts.
The Issue Filter
This allows you to filter which issues of your magazine are displayed.
Simply click the Publications and Issues that you'd like to see.
Q : The issue or publication I'm looking for is not listed
A : There are 2 possible reasons for this.
- The issue you are looking for does not exist. Use the New Issue Button to add one
- The issue or publication may have been set as inactive by your administrator in 'Settings'
TIP to quickly deselect multiple publications and issues click on the filter headers Publications and Issues.
The Issues Pane
The issues that you have selected in the Issue Filter are displayed. If too many results have been returned you can use the 'Publication & Issue Filter' to further refine the results.
Column Meanings:
- Publication - The name of the publication.
- Description - The name given to the issue eg September 2023, Autumn 2023 etc.
- Pages - The number of pages in the issue.
- Adverts - The number of pages and percentage of the issue that are covered by adverts.
- Client Content - The number of pages and percentage of the issue that are covered by client content.
- Other content - The number of pages and percentage of the issue that are covered by content added directly to the flatplan.
- Available - The number of pages and percentage of the issue available to book.
- Sales Target - The value of sales and percentage required to meet your sales target.
- Revenue per Page - The amount of revenue earned per page for this issue of the publication. (This is calculated by dividing the revenue for the issue by the the number of pages.)
- Total Booked - The total revenue for this issue of the publication.
Setting An Issue As Complete
- Complete - Once an issue is published the Complete slider should be set. Green indicates the issue is complete
(Note - Adverts and content artwork linked to this issue can not be deleted once the issue is set as complete. The client data on the active and inactive client screen tabs are also updated once the issue is set as complete).
Accessing the Flatplan
Flat Plan - Click on the publication name or description to take you to the Flat Plan Overview for the selected issue.
Creating a New Issue
In the top right hand corner of the page you will see thebutton. You can use this button to create New Issues of your publications.