The Bookings Screen

The Bookings screen is made up of the side bar and various tabs that appear in the main part of the screen,

The Sidebar - Publications & Issues Filter

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If the sidebar is not displayed click the menu icon top left of the screen 

This allows you to filter which publications & issues of your magazine are displayed. 

 Simply click the Publications and Issues that you'd like to see.

Clicking the word Publications or Issues will select or deselect all listed publications or issues. 

Q : The issue or publication I'm looking for is not listed

A : There are 2 possible reasons for this.

  •     The issue you are looking for does not exist. Click the green New Issue Button to add one.
  •     The issue or publication may have been set as inactive by your administrator in 'Settings' .

To check open the main settings page > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Publications > Check the Active toggle switch is green. Bookings active publication 1.png

> Next click the publication name > Locate the issue > Check the Active toggle switch is green.

Bookings active publication.png

The Bookings Tab

The publications & issues that you have selected in the Filter are displayed. If too many results have been returned you can use the 'Publication or Issue Filter' to further refine the results, alternatively use the search boxand begin typing the name of the Issue you'd like to see.


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Column Meanings:

  • Company - Client name
  • Section - The section assigned to the client - click the magnifying glass to search by sub-category
  • Booked By - The user who made the booking
  • Date Booked - The date the booking was made
  • Publication - The publication booked into
  • Issue - The issue of the publication, i.e. August 2023
  • Type - Size of the booking. For example Full Page, Half Page. Quarter Page, Eighth Page
  • Amount - The price for the booking.
  • Invoiced - Tick if invoiced and a cross if not
  • Flags - Company flags assigned to the client


Click on the following fields to show more details of the clients and bookings:

 Company -  To open the Client's record and access all their details. 

 Publication - To open the Client's booking list of this sepecific booking

 Issue -  To view the booking on the Flat Plan.


Provisional Bookings Tab

(Only visible if there are provisional bookings in the issues selected)

The Provisional Bookings tab displays the provisional bookings in the publication & issues selected.

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Click on the following fields to show more details of the clients and bookings:

 Company -  To open the Client's record and access all their details. 

 Publication - To open the Client's booking list of this sepecific booking


Converted Bookings Tab

(Only visible if there are converted bookings in the issues selected)

The Converted Bookings tab displays bookings that have been converted from provisional bookings to confirmed bookings in the publication & issues selected.

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Click on the following fields to show more details of the clients and bookings:

 Company -  To open the Client's record and access all their details. 

 Publication - To open the Client's booking list of this sepecific booking

History Tab

The History tab displays details of all the bookings during the selected period.

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Red Heart = Top booking by value for Brand New Booking (new client) & New Booking (existing clients).

Yellow Star = All other new bookings.
Hovering over the star will display ‘Very Highly Commended’ for brand new bookings (a clients first booking) and ‘Highly Commended’ for all other new bookings.


Note: A 'Booked By' column will also be displayed if you have updated the System Defaults setting to include 'Use Booked By rather than Assigned to on Bookings


Top Bookers Tab

(Only visible if Use Gamification on Sales is switched on)

The Top Bookers tab displays all users that made bookings in the selected period.

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The users with the Top New Sales and Top Sales are highlighted on the main list and with a pop up.

A red heart is displayed for each Booking for a Brand-New Client and a yellow star for each New Booking for an Existing client, along with the total value of sales made.

Note: The 'Top Bookers' tab will only be displayed if you have updated the System Defaults setting to include 'Use Gamification on Sales' 



Affiliate Tab

(Only visible to affiliate booking users)

The Affiliate tab displays a list of the affiliate bookings you have made for other publishers ie the sales you have made to clients on behalf of other publishers.

Amount - Is the price you have charged the client
Offered - Is the amount you have offered to the affiliate publisher
Commission - Is the difference between the two and your commission on the sale

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Click on the following fields to show more details of the clients and bookings:

 Company -  To open the Client's record and access all their details. 

 Publication - To open the Client's booking list of this sepecific booking

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