When you are ready to check your publication go to the flatplan overview > Select AutoPublish Options > Select AutoPublish > Select page range if required > Select Preview with Trim > The file will appear onscreen.
Key things to look for:
1 - Each page displays a green TrimBox (this is where the printer will crop the page)
2 - The crop marks line up as you scroll through the publication.
Example below is the end of one page and the start of another which are lined up perfectly and you can see the green trimbox on each page..
How to solve the most common artwork issues:
1- The aspect ratio of the artwork is incorrect for the chosen size
2- Artwork with crop marks - smaller than full page
3- Artwork with crop marks - full page
4- Adverts are not positioned correctly on the page
5- Large border around the artwork
6- Advert appears smaller than the others on the page
7- Invalid size - trimbox dimensions too big
8- TrimBox dimensions too small - page displays smaller than other pages
9- On preview with trim the artwork is displayed with no green trimbox
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to fix common artwork issues
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to check the size of a file
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to remove crops marks
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to remove white space
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to add a trimbox to a PDF file
1- The aspect ratio of the artwork is incorrect for the chosen size
To fix this > Go to the flatplan > Open the page layout and override the Aspect Ratio Tolerance by entering 1% more than the error. > Click Save > Check the artwork by selecting Preview with Trim.
If the percentage is exceptionally high then it's likely the artwork is the wrong shape and will need to be redesigned. Anything under 10% MagManager will automatically adjust for you. Anything over 10% and you'll see the error message as above.
2- Artwork with crop marks - smaller than full page
Any adverts that sit inside the margins of the magazine do not need crop marks.
To fix this > Open the artwork from the flatplan > Ensure you have a copy of the artwork before proceeding > From the Advert Details click Auto Crop - provding a trim box is saved within the PDF MagManager will remove the crops marks.
If there is no trimbox Auto Crop will not work and you will need to open the artwork PDF in editing software eg Adobe Acrobat and remove the cropmarks that way. Instructions to do that can be found here.
3- Artwork with crop marks - full page
When artwork is positioned in the middle of the page and cropmarks are visible, this indicates the MagManager setting for the artwork are wrong and need checked.
To Fix > Open the artwork on the flatplan to view the Advert/Content Details > Switch on Crop Marks & Has Bleed settings > Click Save.
When you preview with trim to check the page make sure AutoBleed is switched off.
4- Artwork is not positioned correctly on the page
To fix this:
1 - Add more adverts to fill the page. Once the page is full the adverts will appear in the correct postition.
2 - If it's the Advertiser Index page, as this uses a page background and you may need to use the edit button on the layout screen > Click the page on the flatplan > Click the Edit Button > Hover over the artwork you wish to reposition > Click and move it into position > Click Save
5- Large border around the artwork
To fix this > There a few ways to fix this, however going forward if the artwork is to sit inside the magins of the publication, save the artwork at the size of your full page **132mm x190mm. (For content/editorial this means you do NOT need to include a border/margin space, as MagManager automatically allows for the margin.)
**Example: an A5 publication 148mm x 210mm with top and bottom margins of 10mm and inside & outside margins of 8mm would have a full page dimension of 132mm x190mm. The artwork will then sit perfectly inside the margins set in your MagManager account.
Or try one of the following options:
1 - If your artwork includes the margins and has no cropmarks and bleed, use the AutoBleed function found on the flatplan page layout. This forces the artwork to bleed and may work depending on the amount of text free space around the edge, although you will find the margins will become smaller.
2 - If your artwork is set up to include the margin. Export the artwork as a PDF with cropmarks & 3mm bleed, then switch those on in the advert/content details page.
3 - Open the artwork PDF in editing software eg Adobe Acrobat and crop the white space. Instruction to do that can be found here.
6- Advert appears smaller than the others on the page
To fix this > From the flatplan click on the advert > From the Advert Details you will see the white border around the advert, this needs to be removed > Open the artwork PDF in editing software eg Adobe Acrobat and crop the white space. Instruction to do that can be found here.
Going forward design the advert with the border at the edge.
7- Invalid size - trimbox dimensions too big
The artwork will have been supplied with cropmarks and bleed but the dimensions of the trimbox within the PDF do not match the size of your publication. For pages that have cropmarks & bleed MagManager respects the dimension set within the PDF.
Eg A5 publication dimensions 148mm x 210mm and the supplied artwork is 210m x 297mm (A4).
To Fix > Ideally have the client supply the artwork at the correct size.
Otherwise you would need to remove the crops marks as close to the edge as you can - then switch on the AutoBleed setting on the flatplan page layout in MagManager, and check to see if the result is acceptable to you.
NOTE: 'Invalid Size' will only affect artwork with cropmarks & bleed. For artwork that sits inside the margins of the magazine, MagManager will automatically size them to fit the dimensions set up on your account, provided the aspect ratio/proportions are the same.
8- Trimbox dimensions too small - Page displays smaller than the other pages
The artwork has been supplied with cropmarks and bleed but the dimensions of the trimbox are smaller than your publication size. Instructions to check artwork size can be found here.
Eg A5 publication dimensions 148mm x 210mm and the supplied artwork is 125mm x188mm.
To Fix > Ideally have the client supply the artwork at the correct size.
Otherwise you would need to remove the crops marks as close to the edge as you can - then switch on the AutoBleed setting on the flatplan page layout in MagManager, and check to see if the result is acceptable to you.
NOTE: This will only affect artwork with cropmarks & bleed. If in doubt check the size of the artwork before uploading to MagManager, as it will only be apparent when you preview and trim the whole magazine, as you'll see it does not line up with the pages before and after.
9- On preview with trim the artwork is displayed with no green trimbox
When the Has CropMarks & Has Bleed settings for the artwork are switched on and it displays without the green TrimBox. The problem here is that the trimbox setting has NOT been included within the PDF settings when the file was exported. This seems to be common with PDF files exported from Quark.
Quark users should ensure the PDF file is exported using thePDF Style & Verification setting PDF/X-1a:2001.
To Fix > The file should be exported as a PDF with Crop Mark & Bleed settings including a TrimBox. See Notes on Indesign settings for more details.
Or you can add the TrimBox in Adobe Acrobat by following the instructions here.
Other options:
1 - Remove the crops marks as close to the edge as you can - then switch on the AutoBleed setting on the flatplan page layout in MagManager, and check to see if the result is acceptable to you.
10- Adding a border to arwork
If the supplied artwork does not have a border, you can add one in MagManager. From the flatplan > Click on the artwork box to open the artwork details > Switch on the Border toggle switch > Click the colour icon to set your colour > Enter the width of the border & Save.
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to fix common artwork issues
Some processes require access to Print Production if the icon is not displayed on your Adobe sidebar menu.
You can add it by selecting the More Tools icon.
Under Protect & Standardize you'll see Print Production > Click Add > Select Open to add it to your sidebar.
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to check the size of a file
Open your artwork in Adobe Acrobat Pro > Select Print Production > Select Set Page Boxes > Under Margin Controls > Select Trimbox from the Apply to dropdown > The trim box dimensions will be displayed under the image.
For an A5 publication it should be 148mm x 210mm. In this example the trimbox dimensions were set too small.
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to remove crops marks
Open your artwork in Adobe Acrobat Pro > Select Edit PDF > Select Crop Pages > Crop artwork as close to the crop marks as possible > Click inside the selected area > The Set Page Boxes pop up will appear > Select OK >Select File, Save As to save the file > Upload the file to MagManager and switch on the AutoBleed setting on the page layout.
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to remove white space
Open your artwork in Adobe Acrobat Pro > Select Edit PDF > Select Crop Pages > Use the curser to select the area of the advert as close to the coloured border as possible > Click inside the selected area > The Set Page Boxes pop up will appear > Select OK > Select File, Save As to save the file.
Advert with white border removed.
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to add a trimbox to a PDF file
Open your artwork in Adobe Acrobat Pro > Select Print Production > Select Set Page Boxes > Under Margin Controls > Select Trimbox from the Apply to dropdown >
Set the margin sizes for Top, Bottom, Left & Right so the TrimBox dimensions display 148mm x 210mm (A5 Publication) > Click OK > Select File, Save As to save the updates.