Pipeline Settings

The pipeline settings including the number of lists, the list titles, colours, and icons can all be updated by going to System Settings > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Pipelines.


Pipelines with zero client cards can be disabled by clicking on the green tick in the Enabled column.  They can also be deleted by clicking on the red Delete button.


Clicking on the pipeline name opens the Manage Pipeline settings from here you can update:

  • The pipeline Name
  • Change the Tile colour
  • Assign the pipeline to a specific user
  • In the lower section you can drag and drop the order of the list by clicking on the hamburger icon
  • Click on the icon to change it and the colour
  • Update the name of the lists
  • Delete a list by clicking the red -minus button
  • Add a new list by clicking the green +plus button



A full video walkthrough of Sales Pipeline can be found here:


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