Mailshot Dashboard Overview

The mailshot dashboard is accessed by going to Reports > Select Create Mailshots > Click the black envelope.

To create a new mailshot click on the green button New Mailshot. Click here to access the notes on creating mailshots.

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Displayed in the list are:
The date the email/SMS was sent.
The name of the document sent. 
The number of emails/SMS messagea sent as part of the campaign.
The number of responses to that campaign. 
View email button to allow you to quickly view a copy of the email sent.

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To see an example of the email sent click View Email.

To view a list of the companies the email/SMS was sent to click the number under the emails/SMS header

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A list of companies will be displayed.  If a reply has been received a green tick will appear in the responded column, if no reply has been received a red X will appear.

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Note: In order for responses to be tracked the Tracking ID token must be added to the email document template before it is sent.

How to add a tracking ID is covered in the notes here.


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