These notes cover how to create a new company flag which is being used in this example to identify clients
that are being managed by an agency and how to add the flag to the client record.
1- How to create a flag
To create a flag go to the main settings page > Under Customers & Actions > Select Company Flags > Click New Flag > Add a name (we recommend the format such as 'Agency - Name of agency' or 'A - Name of agency' as this will group all the agency and brand flag together in the dropdown list, making them easier to find) > Choose an icon > Choose a colour > The settings for Enabled and Allow Bookings should be checked > Click Save.
2 - How to add the flag to the client manged by an agency
Open the agency record > Select the client from the dropdown box > Click Manage
Scroll down to the Flags field and click the box > Choose the flag from the dropdown box > Click Update to save.
On the clients screen, when a client is managed by more than one agency, there will be multiple entries for the client with (Managed) after the client's name. Flags can be used to identify which client account is linked to the agency. Hover oven the flag for the full name to appear.
Flags can be used to search for clients on the Clients, Bookings, Sales & Invoicing screens.
For more information on using flags click here.