Client Record - Actions Tab

In MagManager, 'Actions' let you set up specific tasks with a due date.

Actions set up for a specific client can be viewed on the Actions tab for that client. While the Actions for all clients can be viewed from the Actions screen on the top navigation bar.

Creating a new action

From the client record > Select the Action tab > Select New Action top right of the screen.

This brings up the "Manage Action" box, choose the type of action from a drop-down list. 

The action 'types' you can choose from include email, phone, visit, letter, renewal or other. If you want to add a new action type of your own, or inactivate existing ones, go to Settings Customers & Actions Contact Types. 

You can set a due date and (optionally) due time for your action. Any notes about your action can be added to the description box.

By default, a new action that you create will be assigned to yourself, but you can also assign an action to a team member. 

Click Save to save the action

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Amend / update or delete an existing action

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From the Actions tab > Click the action in the list to open the 'Manage Action' box.  Update as required and click Save. 

To Delete click the 'Delete' button and confirm you wish to delete the action.

A record of changes to an action can be found on the timeline

If you amend an existing action, for example by changing the due date or adding additional text to the description field, a record of the change and who made it can be found on the client timeline. Click the entry line to see the updated action with details of the time and who changed it at the bottom.

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Click here for full details on Actions and associated features like action reminders and contact reasons & outcomes.

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