Sharing artwork with your team

In these notes:

  • Managing artwork from the client artwork tab
  • Assigning artwork to a member of your team

These notes describe how you can communicate with your team about artwork. If you wish to use the MagManager client portal to ask your clients to supply or approve their artwork, see the notes on the client portal. For more information on artwork statuses, see the notes on artwork statuses.

Managing artwork from the client artwork tab

You can manage all the artwork for a client by going to the client Artwork tab. Here you can see all the artwork that has been uploaded for a client. Each artwork box lists the publication and issue(s) in which this artwork appears, with the page number if it has been set on the flat-plan.

When you have a new booking which will use new artwork, you will have an empty artwork box.


NOTE: If you have set up your bookings correctly, you will have an “artwork box” for each time you use new artwork- see below.

Click on an artwork box to open the advert details screen


Uploading artwork

To upload artwork for a booking, click the Upload Artwork button, or drag the file onto the pink box. Artwork that you upload can then be viewed on the flat-plan and will be stored in the Dropbox folder you link MagManager to.

Adding notes

Click on the green New Note button to add a note. You can either write a memo for your team or upload an attachment. To download a file that has been uploaded to the notes, click on the paperclip.


Setting the artwork status

Assign an Artwork Status to indicate how close to completion the artwork is by selecting from the drop-down box next to Status. By default a new booking will have artwork status of “New”, and the background colour of the artwork box will be pink. Other statuses you can select include “awaiting customer artwork” or “Artwork approved”. The colour coding allows you to see at a glance on the flat-plan and elsewhere which artwork is complete (green statuses), which require action from one of your clients (yellow) and which require action from one of your team (pink). See our notes on Artwork Statuses for more details.

Assigning an advert or content to someone

By selecting from the drop-down box next to “Assigned To”, you can assign the advert to one of your users. If you have selected an artwork status that involves your client, you can also assign the advert to your client. You might do this if you want them to supply the or approve the artwork, for example.

When you click “Save” after assigning artwork to someone, you will see an email preview pop up with the subject “An item in MagManager has been assigned to you”. This picks up the “Artwork Assigned” email template (Settings > Document Templates > System Documents > Artwork Assigned) and provided a link to the client portal where your user client can view or supply the artwork.


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