Bookings reports


There are several reports on booking patterns and lists of clients booked in, these notes give an outline on some of them. These reports can be found in the Bookings section of the Reports screen. You can read more about working with MagManager reports here.

Bookings Renewals First – 12 Months

This report shows all the clients who are booked into the issue that you select, with information on their future bookings. 

You can use this information to choose an issue in the past, to look for past booking patterns. For example, you could choose the issue 6 months in the past, see who was booked in then, and track whether they continued to book.

TIP: The MagManager Renewals screen provides the most powerful way to not only search for but also manage renewals.

Historical Bookings by Advert Type

This Report allows you to identify customers who have booked a certain advert size in any of your publications. For example, anyone who has booked a full page advert in a given time period.

Customer Booking Profile report

This report allows you to analyse your customer bookings month by month. Select the publication and issue you want, and for a given date range (the default is six months before to six months after), you will see the values of all the bookings made by that customer. The report also shows total values for past and for future bookings.

You can sort the report by clicking on the arrows in the table header. 

Your top 10 customers (by value) will be shown as Gold, the next 10 Silver and the next 10 Bronze.


Miscellaneous Bookings report

This is a useful report which gives a list of all miscellaneous bookings for the publication(s) and issue(s) you select. 

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