Sending a Statement to a client

In these notes:

Sending a statement to a single client

If you are NOT syncing your paid status with an accounts package, you can send financial statements to individual clients. 

If you have MagManager linked to Xero, KashFlow or QuickBooks this tab is not available as part-payments are dealt with differently. You should use your accounts package to send out statements, or use the statements mail shot in MagManager.

Go to the individual client’s page and click on the Financial tab and then on the Statement tab.


You can select the period you are interested in from the drop-down list above the statement.

When you have the selection you want, click the green Email Statement button. This will pick up the “Statement email” template which can be modified by going to Settings > Document templates. 


Sending financial statements in a mail shot 

This section explains how to create a mail shot to send financial statements to your clients, in which you can target everyone with an outstanding balance.

You can send statements to your clients from MagManager to summarise their account with you, or to notify them of overdue payments.

  1. Go to Reports, select Create Mailshots and click on the mail icon.
  2. Where it says "Base my Email on:" select Statement from the dropdown menu


You will now see some options to refine your search, and you can select more than one. If you leave all options empty, all of your clients and prospects will be selected.

Statements for all activity within a time interval

If you select Activity, you will be prompted to select the start and end dates you are interested in. 

When you click Search, MagManager will return a list of clients with invoices raised in this period.


Statements for outstanding payments

If you select Outstanding, you will have options to exclude Direct Debit or Standing Order customers.

Clicking Search will bring up a list of clients with outstanding invoices.


Sending the emails

From the results of your search (above), select the clients you wish to email, and then click the green Select/Create Email button. 

Tip: near to the green Select/Create Email button you will see the number of clients that have been selected.

You will now see a dropdown menu giving you the option to choose an existing email template or create a new one.

Including the "Statement" token in the email will give you the relevant statement for your selections.

When you are ready, click the green Preview and Send button. You now have the option to send all emails, or to check and send (or skip) them individually.




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