Invoicing MagManager Linked to Xero or Sage

These notes give an introduction to invoicing in MagManager when you have your Xero or Sage account linked.

See also the notes on:

Linking Magmanager to Xero

Linking MagManager to Sage


In these notes:

In MagManager, you can create an invoice for an individual client from the Client screen, or you can create a batch of invoices for a given period. We will first look at creating a single invoice from a client.

 Creating individual invoices for one client

When you create single invoices on an individual client, these will be imported into Xero/Sage straight away without you needing to do anything. 

  1. Select a client, and go to the client Financial tab.
  2. Tick the bookings you wish to invoice
  3. Click "Create and invoice for (2) Bookings Now"


  1. You can now see the invoices you have created under the Invoices tab (again found under Financial tab).

When you click on the magnifying glass to the left, you will have the opportunity to print or email the invoice, or to cancel the invoice. You can also edit the text on the invoice using the edit button to the right of the amount.


Creating a batch of invoices

  1. Go to Invoicing, and choose the To Invoice tab. 
  1. Select the publications and issue you want to invoice for.

(Note- selecting all publications at this stage will ensure that a client advertising in more than one publication will receive just one invoice).

You will see a list of all the relevant bookings which haven’t yet been invoiced.

If you don’t want to raise all the invoices, you have the option to unselect some of them. 

  1. Click the green “Create invoices” button when you are ready.

You may have to wait a while for the pdf files to be generated.


  1. Your newly generated invoices can be found by going to the Invoiced tab, and selecting the Invoices by Date tab. 

On the left of the page you need to select the current month (or the month in which you raised the invoices) under ‘Invoiced In.’

TIP: remember to select "Invoices by date" as this is the best place to find invoice raised in the month you have selected.  The "Invoices" tab displays invoices raised for the issue you have selected - meaning it will also show invoices raised in previous months for bookings in this issue, eg you invoice someone in January for the full year - their invoice will also show when February - December issues are selected. 


To see the most recent invoices, click on the sort icon next to the Invoice No column. 

To view an individual invoice, click on its magnifying glass icon.

Clicking the blue Print Invoice button enables you to preview the invoice pdf.


  1. Transferring invoices to Xero or Sage

IMPORTANT: When transferring invoices for the first time, select a single invoice to ensure the invoice transfers OK, before proceeding with the rest.

When you create a batch of invoices, these are not automatically transferred to Xero/Sage - you need to do this manually. 

After raising your invoices, go to Invoicing > Invoiced and click on the invoices by date tab. Select the month in which you created the invoices.

By default, all invoices in the current list will be selected- you can remove individual items by unselecting them. When you are ready, click Transfer to Xero or Transfer to Sage.

NOTE: Do not use Export to Xero / Export to Sage . If you can’t see “Transfer to Xero or Transfer to Sage” this means you aren’t connected, go to Settings, Under Accounts click on Xero or Sage to connect.

MagManager will then ask you to link to your Xero or Sage account. See notes here for getting started Linking MagManager to Xero  and these notes for getting started Linking MagManager to Sage.

When using Xero - MagManager will ask how you would like these invoices to be imported ‘Draft, Awaiting Approval, Approved’. This batch of invoices will then automatically appear in Xero under the appropriate tab.

NOTE: If you choose to transfer your invoices to Xero as “draft”, you will have the chance to check them again in Xero before approving them.

When using Sage - once transferred the batch of invoices will automatically appear in Sage - although there can be a time delay of up to 20 min on occasions, so be patient.

NOTE: New and updated Client information will automatically update in Xero / Sage.

NOTE: Be sure you have “invoices by date” selected to find your most recent invoices- you can check in the date column that you have the invoices you want.


  1. Printing or Emailing Invoices from MagManager

If you plan to send your invoices out of Xero or Sage you can ignore this part.

Before sending email from MagManager, you need to check that you have set up the document templates for printing or invoicing emails.  Go to Settings under Admin select Document Templates. The two document to be updated are:

Invoice - Standard Document (this is the actual invoice PDF)

Invoice Email - Email Document (this is the covering email to which the invoice PDF is attached)


Printing and Emailing Invoices

Emailing invoices

Select "Invoices by date" as this is the best place to find invoice just raised.



At the top-right of the screen, you will see two switches- if you toggle across "Email only" this will select the invoices for clients set up for email delivery (on the Details tab of the client’s page).

Check that the invoices selected are as you expect, and then click the blue “Email Invoices” to email all selected invoices.

NOTE: Look in the Last Emailed column for a record of which invoices have been sent out by email from MagManager and when.

NOTE: If you want to process a few selected invoices, you will need to deselect all, and then select the desired ones. 

TIP: it’s a good idea to check that you haven’t included old invoices that have already been processed.


Printing Invoices for posting

If you toggle across “Print only” at the top-right of the screen, this will select the invoices for clients set up for delivery (on the Details tab of the client’s page). Then click “Print Invoices” at the top of the screen to download the pdfs.

If you wish to generate a single file containing all your invoices, you need enable this by switching on the option “Print Batch Invoices to One File”

(go to Settings, System Defaults and find it under Site Defaults- remember to click Update).


Deleting invoices

If you need to cancel an invoice, you should cancel it in MagManager. This will void the corresponding invoice in Xero/Sage.

If an invoice has been deleted in MagManager, that invoice number will no longer be available to use again. 


Marking invoices as paid 

If you have MagManager linked to Xero/Sage, then when an invoice is marked as paid in Xero/Sage, this information will be updated in MagManager.

NOTE: Part-payments made in your accounting package will not automatically show in MagManager - the full amount will still show as outstanding and will only clear once full payment is made.


Syncing information between MagManager and Xero 

You can choose whether or not client details updated in MagManager is also updated in Xero.

Go to Settings > Settings > System Defaults.


When you have "Accounts Package" set to Xero, there will be a switch option for "Keep Xero Contacts Synced". If this switch is on (green) then the version of the client details you have in MagManager will always be written to Xero. If you update information in Xero but not in MagManager, then the MagManager version will be copied to Xero again. To avoid MagManager over-riding the changes you make to your clients in Xero, switch this off.



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