If you use an issue name other than the month, you may wish to change the issue decription.
To change the name or rename an issue. Go to the main settings page > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Publications > Click on the publication name >From the issues tab > Select the issue you want to rename by clicking on the edit icon to the right.
In the Description column enter the name of the issue as you would like it to appear.
Click in the same place, which now shows as a save (disk) icon, to save the changes.
In the example below, the November 2024 issue has been renamed as Winter 2024.
How changing an issue name affects the sidebar display
The sidebar displays one issue listing for each month, when select all issues created in that month appear in the centre of the screen.
If you have multiple publications and issues with different naming conventions be aware that the issue name displayed in the sidebar of the homepage, publications, booking screen etc will be the first alphabetically.
Publication 1 - Seasons - Spring (March), Summer (June), Autumn (September) & Winter (December)
Publication 2 - Monthly - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Screenshot showing Autumn listed in the sidebar rather than September. (As A comes before S).