See also:
- Creating your first booking (video)
- Creating content or editorial booking
- Creating miscellaneous bookings
- Using different artwork in bookings
- Changing or deleting a booking
1. Bookings are always set up on a client, so start by selecting the client you want. Go to the Client screen, search for the client.
2. On the Client Bookings tab, you will see the publications and issues you have set up.
3. Select the issues you want where it says “Click to book” (you can select several at once). Then click the green “Complete Booking” button.
4. Click the green “New Advert” button, and select the advert size
5. Drag each of the artwork boxes you have created down to the relevant issues.
TIP: If you want the same advert for multiple issues in a publication, drag the advert box onto the purple bar containing the title of the publication until it turns yellow, then release. This will assign the same advert to all the issues in the list.
6. If required, you can select a premium position for the advert. Click the dropdown menu where it says ‘no preferred position’ and choose a premium page. This will lock the advert box onto the selected page of the flatplan.
NOTE: By default only full-page adverts can be booked on premium pages. To book other advert sizes go to System Settings > Under Settings > Select System Defaults > Turn on the toggle switch for 'Allow multiple adverts on premium pages' > Click Update.
TIP: If you do not see the premium position you want. You will need to switch it on, to do that click on the gear icon top right of the screen > Under Publications & Bookings - Select Publications > Select Publication Name > Select Defaut Tab > Scroll to the bottom and toggle the switch to on (green) for the premium postions you would like to use > Save.
You can set the page position for the following premium pages: Front cover, Inside front cover, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 7, Page 9, Page 11, Page 13 Centre Pages, Left centre page, Right centre page, Left Inside back cover, Inside back cover & Back cover.
7. You can manually change the cost of the booking, if needed. The booking cost shown will be picked up from the advert default costs, if you have set them. (Click here to find out about setting the default costs)
You can add a discount if you wish, and this will be displayed as a discount on the invoice.
NOTE: If you have MagManager connected to an accounts package such as Xero, it supports a discount % up to 2 decimal places eg 14.75%. Anything over such as 14.375% will be rounded.
TIP: If you are booking multiple adverts, you can set the total cost in the ‘total’ box, which will be split up for individual adverts.
8. If you use issue themes, you can add details of the theme to a booking. To do that choose a theme from the dropdown box when adding a new booking.
Note: the theme dropdown box will only appear if a theme has been assigned to the issue you are booking. See notes on Issue Themes for more details.
9. When you have finished, simply click the blue 'Save Booking' button. Or to send a booking confirmation email to the client > Click the 'Save and Email/Print' button.
10. The client bookings tab now shows a summary of the bookings for that client. Bookings show dark blue by default, and light blue after they have been set on the flat-plan. Bookings allocated to a premium page show yellow.
You can drag to move a booking to a different issue - click on the cross-arrows when you want to do this.
Clicking on the magnifying glass will take you to the booking on the flat-plan, where you can place it onto a page.
Multiple Bookings
If you have multiple bookings which will use different artwork, you will need to create multiple artwork boxes, one for each artwork.
You can create a duplicate artwork box by clicking on the + symbol at the top right of an existing artwork box. Each artwork box can then be dragged down to the booking it belongs to.
In the following example, there are two bookings in a booking set, one for March and one for April. Our client wants different advert for each month.
For the first month, March, we clicked on “New Advert” to create the first advert box, and we dragged this down to the March booking.
We can now duplicate the advert box by clicking on the plus sign, and drag down this advert box to the April booking.
To Add multiple bookings for a client in the same issues - Click here to follow the notes.
For more details on adding Purchase Order numbers to a booking - click here to follow the notes.
Booking Content
To create a Content booking, choose a client and select the Bookings tab, and under that the Content tab.
You can now click on "click to book" for the issues you want, and then click the green "Add Content" button in the top right of the screen.
You will now be prompted to click the green "New Content" button if you don't yet have any content bookings. You can add a content box to an issue in the same way as you would add an advert to an issue (described above).