Client Record Artwork Tab - Adverts & Content
You can manage all the artwork for a client by going to the client Artwork tab. Adverts are on one tab and Content on another.
Here you can see all the artwork that has been uploaded for a client. Each artwork box lists the publication(s) and issue(s) in which this artwork appears, with the page number if it has been set on the flat plan.
A new booking which will use new artwork, will have an empty artwork box.
Advert Background Colours.
Green - Advert is Approved.
Pink - Advert is NOT Approved.
Amber - Advert is awaiting update from the client
NOTE: If you have set up your bookings correctly, you will have an 'advert box' for each time you use new artwork- see below.
The advert / content details screen
Click on the coloured box representing the advert size to open the advert/content details screen.
Uploading artwork elements: word document & images
Uploading artwork - completed artwork
Assigning an advert or content to someone
Crop marks & has bleed settings
Changing Artwork for a Booking
Changes after a booking has been invoiced
Uploading artwork elements: word document & images
Clicking on an advert box brings up the advert details screen. Here you can upload artwork, add notes, set the artwork status, assign the advert to someone, and set a due date.
Uploading artwork - completed artwork
To upload artwork for a new booking, click the 'Upload Artwork' button, or drag the file onto the pink box. Artwork that you upload can then be viewed on the flat-plan and will be stored in MagManager.
There is a maximum file size limit of 30Mb for each file you upload.
If artwork has already been uploaded and it is associated with a publication that has been marked complete, the ‘Upload Artwork’ & ‘Clear Artwork’ buttons will be greyed out. Should you need to update the artwork, you will need to open the booking and add a new advert to the booking line. This will create a new artwork box, where the new artwork can be uploaded.
TIP: To see if a publication has been marked complete, go to Publications on the top navigation bar, select the issue you want and look at the Complete column on the right.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have artwork assigned to more than one booking, then changing the artwork details will affect all the bookings assigned to that artwork. Looking at the 'Used In' list in the artwork details box shows you which adverts or content the artwork is linked to.
Adding notes
Click on the New Note button to add a note. You can either write a memo for your team, or upload an attachment. To download a file that has been uploaded to the notes, click on the paperclip.
Setting the artwork status
Assign an Artwork Status to indicate how close to completion the artwork is by selecting from the drop-down box next to Status. By default a new booking will have an artwork status of 'New', and the background colour of the artwork box will be pink. Other statuses you can select include 'Awaiting customer artwork' or 'Artwork approved'. The colour coding allows you to see at a glance on the flat-plan and elsewhere which artwork is complete (green statuses), which require action from one of your clients (yellow) and which require action from one of your team (pink).
See our notes on Artwork Statuses for more information.
Assigning an advert or content to someone
By selecting from the drop-down box next to 'Assigned To', you can assign the advert to one of your users. If you have selected an artwork status that involves your client, you can also assign the advert to your client. You might do this if you want them to supply or approve the artwork - For more information see the section on Using the client portal for clients to supply and check artwork
When you click 'Save' after assigning artwork to a user, you will see an email preview pop up with the subject 'An item in MagManager has been assigned to you'. This picks up the 'Artwork Assigned' email template (Settings > Document Templates > System Documents > Artwork Assigned) and provides a link to the client's artwork where your user can view or upload the artwork.
Set a due date
Choose a date from the calendar to set a due date for the artwork. For clients running multiple pieces of artwork, you can set a different due date on each.
Crop marks & has bleed settings
Tick the boxes for Crop Marks and Has Bleed if this applies to the uploaded artwork – checking these automatically turns off the page footer setting on the flatplan.
Marking artwork inactive
If you have clients with lots of old artwork, you can keep the old ones on the system but out of sight by setting the artwork as 'inactive'. To do this, switch off the 'Active' toggle at the top-right of the artwork details screen & Save the changes.
From the client Artwork tab, you can hide or show inactive artwork by switching the 'Show Inactive' toggle. Artwork set as 'Inactive' will only be displayed when the 'Show Inactive' toggle switch is green. The artwork appears greyed out. To reactive click the artwork to open it and turn off the 'Inactive' toggle switch.
Deleting unused artwork
Unused artwork where there are no publications or issues listed under the artwork box can be deleted.
To do this, click on the coloured artwork box to open the artwork details > Click the 'Delete' button > You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the artwork.
Changing Artwork for a Booking
NOTE: You cannot delete artwork if the artwork has been used in a past issue that has been marked as complete. If you need to change the existing artwork, you need to create a new ‘advert box’ and add it to the booking line as described below.
If one of the bookings in your booking set needs different artwork to the others, or if you want to have a different Status or Date Due for the same advert in different bookings, then you need to create a "New Advert".
Click on the green “New Advert” button and choose the advert size.
Drag the new advert box down on to the booking line to update it.
NOTE: if the booking has been invoiced, you'll see a gold padlock. You will need to click the padlock to unlock if before draging and dropping the new advert box down onto the booking line.
If you are changing the size of the advert you will see a warning letting you know that the advert size will change, and you need to confirm the change of size.
If you are simply replacing the existing advert with a new artwork box of the same size you will see a warning asking if you wish to Replace all the adverts in the booking set or just this one.
Finally save the booking.
Changes after a booking has been invoiced
If a booking has already been invoiced, you will see a lock appear next to it in the booking details list.
At this stage, it is still possible to change some details of the booking, such as the advert artwork and artwork size. To do this, click on the padlock icon, and it will change to an open lock icon. You can now make changes by dragging a new advert box onto the booking line (as described above). Click ‘Save Booking’ when you have finished, and the booking will be locked again.
Once the booking has been invoiced, it is not possible to change the price of the booking or to set it to a premium position unless you first cancel the invoice.
Automatic Email Notification
When the artwork is changed on an existing booking, MagManager automatically sends an email to the user who the artwork is assigned to (unless it is changed this will be the user assigned to the client):
An item in MagManager has been assigned to you by Mandy
Hi Anne,
This is just a quick email to let you know that an item has been assigned to you in MagManager. The details are shown below :
Item Description : Quarter Page for Newnham Crafts
Notes about item :
You can get straight to the item by clinking this link :
Note: If you prefer not to receive these emails you should open the artwork box and change the Assigned To field to Unassigned before saving the booking.