Creating Invoices

In these notes:


Before You Start Invoicing

Invoice Number: Before you start invoicing, please contact us with the invoice number of the next invoice to be raised, and we will set up MagManager to start at this number.

Company Details & VAT: Make sure you have set up your Company Details including VAT settings which can be found by going to Settings > Under Accounts > Select Company Details.

Invoice & Email Template: When you create an invoice, MagManager will generate a pdf file for the invoice. So before you start invoicing for the first time, you will want to check that your invoice template, and also the invoicing email template, are as you want them. You can do this by going to Settings > Under Admin > Select Document Templates. Notes on setting these up can be found here: Document Templates.

In MagManager, you can create invoices for an individual client from their financial tab.  You can also create individual invoices or batch invoices from the invoicing screen.


Video Time Stamp
00.00 - Invoice individual client
01.01 - Email Invoice 
01.28 - Print Invoice
01.40 - Cancel Invoice
01.54 - Batch Invoicing
05.00 - Invoicing Periods


Creating Single Invoices (From the client's financial tab)

1. Open a client record > Select the Financial tab.

2. Click the Create Invoice tab > Tick the bookings you wish to invoice

3. Click the green button "Create and invoice for (2) Bookings Now"

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4. You can now see the invoices you have created under the Invoices tab (again found under Financial tab).
When you click on the magnifying glass to the left, you will have the opportunity to print or email the invoice, or to cancel the invoice. You can also edit the invoice description using the edit button to the right of the amount.

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Creating a Batch of Invoices (from the invoicing screen)

1. Select Invoicing from top navigation bar > Click the To Invoice tab.
(Select each invoice period in turn if you use these)

2. Select the publications and issue you want to invoice for. 
(Note- selecting all publications at this stage will ensure that a client advertising in more than one publication will receive just one invoice).

You will see a list of all the relevant bookings which haven’t yet been invoiced. If you don’t want to raise all the invoices, you have the option to unselect some of them.  

3. Click the green button "Create invoices for (7) Bookings Now".
You may have to wait a while for the pdf files to be generated.

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4. Your newly generated invoices can be found by going to the Invoiced tab.
Selecting the Invoices tab will display all invoice raised for the ISSUE selected. 
Selecting the Invoice by Date tab will display all invoices 'Invoiced In' the MONTH selected. In the sidebar you need to select the current month (or the month in which you raised the invoices) under ‘Invoiced In.’

To see the most recent invoices, click on the sort icon next to the Invoice No column. 
To view the details of an individual invoice, click on its magnifying glass icon.
To print the invoice click the blue Print Invoice button > a preview appears on screen ready to print.
To cancel the invoice click the red Cancel Invoice button.

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5. Printing or Emailing Invoices

If you have NOT already set up your invoice & email document template go to the section Before you start invoicing.

To process all selected invoices, you can use the buttons at the top right. Select the invoices - the number of invoices selected will appear in the grey box at the top of the screen > Click the Email Invoices or Print Invoices button.

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NOTE: If you want to process a small selection of invoices, you will need to deselect all, and then select the ones you want to process.

TIP: it’s a good idea to check that you haven’t included old invoices that have already been processed.

If you wish to generate a single PDF document containing all your invoices, you need to enable this by switching on the setting 'Print Batch Invoices to One File'. Otherwise a folder with individual PDF's will be created and downloaded to your computer.

(Go to the main settings page > Under Settings > Select System Defaults and find 'Print Batch Invoices to One File' under Site Defaults > Click Update to save).


Marking invoices as paid or part-paid in MagManager

NOTE: If you have MagManager linked to an accounts package, you will mark the invoice as paid there and the invoice status will be updated to paid in MagManager through the API  - see below.

First find the invoice for which you have received payment or part payment. 

You can search for the invoice on the Invoice screen or find it in the Financial tab of the client.

Unpaid invoices will display a Red Cross in the 'Paid' column and Paid invoices a Green tick.  To register a payment or part-payment, click on the red cross for the invoice you want to pay.

You will now be prompted to enter details of the payment. By default, the full balance appears in the Amount box, but this can be overwritten. Set the payment date > Select the payment type from the dropdown box > Add a reference if required > Click Save to finish.

To add an additional payment to the same invoice, click on the green plus sign.

If you have entered a partial payment and a balance remains, a red cross will still show in the Paid column. When the balance is paid off in full, a green tick will be displayed.

TIP: When viewing a booking > Click on the credit card icon to open a “View Invoice” dialogue.

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Using Invoicing Periods

MagManager provides multiple options for different invoicing periods.

You can choose to invoice per issue, twice per issue, 2 monthly, quarterly, 4 monthly, 6 monthly, Annually or at other intervals.

More information on setting up invoice periods can be found here.


Using MagManager with an accounts package

If you use Xero, KashFlow or QuickBooks, you can easily transfer your invoices to your accounting software with a single click. An invoiced marked as paid in your accounting software will automatically be marked as paid in MagManager, and you can also keep your client details synced. 

Linking MagManager to Xero

Linking MagManager to KashFlow

Linking MagManager to QuickBooks

Using MagManager with Sage

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