Using Reports

Reports are generated by clicking on Reports in the main site navigation. The reports are arranged into the following sections - follow the links for more details on these sections and see below for details on how to use the reports.


Using reports

In some cases you will need to choose the publication(s) and issue(s) you want. When you have made your selection, click again on the drop-down arrow to close the selection.

If you are making these choices for your report, click on the "View Report" button in the top right of the screen.


Downloading and printing reports

To download or print a report, click on the small disk icon, and choose the file format you want from the drop-down menu.

TIP:  If you want to download your report without formatting, try downloading the CSV rather than the Excel spreadsheet.

Many of the reports have multiple pages. To see the next page, click the page navigation arrows.



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