Publication Settings

This article refers to all the settings for your publications that are accessed via the Settings page (click on the cog in the top-right of MagManager).

When you click on Publications on the Settings page (which you will find under Publications & Bookings), you will see a list of the publications you have set up.

From here, you can create a new publication from the green New Publication Button, and you can de-activate an existing publication by turning off the switch in the "Active" column (green is "on"). If a publication is not active, you can no longer access any bookings made on it in MagManager. The bookings remain in the system, though, and can be accessed again if the publication is made active again.

In the screenshot below, the first publication is active, and the second is not.

Adding a new publication

Go to Settings and then Publications, and click the green New Publication button.

This will open a dialogue box where you enter the following information:

  • The name of the new publication
  • The publishing interval
  • The start month and year
  • The number of pages in your publication (including the front and rear covers)

Click Save when you have finished, and your new publication will be set up.

Issue settings- Active issues

Go to Settings and then Publications, and click on one of your publications. You will now see a list of the issues you have set up for that publication, and which ones are switched on as "Active".

If an issue is marked as Active (which is the default for new issues you set up), you will be able to access all the bookings and sales information relevant to that booking elsewhere in MagManager.

If you have created an issue that you no longer want (for example you have changed the months that you publish), you can make it inactive using the switch in the Active column. (Green represents active, and grey not active).

Also, you may wish to make an old issues inactive if you want to have fewer to look through.


Issue settings- Copy deadlines and target amounts

Go to Settings and then Publications, and click on the publication you want. 

To add your copy deadline and target amount for each issue click on the edit icon where that issue is listed. When you have filled in the details click in the same place, which now shows as a save (disk) icon.

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Renaming issues

Go to Settings then Publications and click on the publication you want to update. 

Locate the issue you want to rename and click on the edit icon and enter the name of the issue as you would like it to appear. Click in the same place, which now shows as a save (disk) icon, to save.

Adding new issues (months) to your publication

Go to Settings > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Publications > Click on one of your publications. This will give you a list of the issues set up. 

To add a new issue, click the green New Issue button at the top right of the screen.

You can now click Create Issue for the months you want, for each publication.

NOTE: it is also possible to create new issues of a magazine directly from the Client booking screen. To enable this feature, go to Settings and click on System Defaults. Under Site Defaults, switch on "Show Add Issue on Bookings".

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Deleting issues from your publication

Go to Settings > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Publications > Click on any of your publications.
Click the green New Issue button in the top-right of the screen. You will now see that any created issues which currently have no bookings show red. Click on any of these and you will be able to delete the issue.
Issues with exiting booking display only page number and no coloured box.  If you wish to delete one of these issues, you will have to delete any bookings associated with it first.  The Red box only appears when there are no bookings in the issue. 
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Setting publication defaults: advert sizes and default prices

Go to Settings > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Publications > Click on any of your publications > Select the Defaults tab.

You can set defaults for the publication such as the sales target (** if it's the same across all issues) and default price for various advert sizes.

This is also the place to set up which advert sizes are available to you in MagManager (the sizes you select will be available for both adverts and content).

MagManager has a large number of advert sizes available, and you can use the switches to enable the ones you want. When you hover over the switch buttons, you will see a representation of how this advert size looks on a page.

NOTE ** If your sales target is variable for each issues set it on the Issues Tab for each individual issue.

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Using "Internationalise" to rename adverts

If you wish to change the way the name of an advert is displayed in MagManager, you can do this by going to the main settings page > Under Settings > Select Internationalise > Select Content Tab > Enter the new description in the text box > Click Save to finish.


  •        Renaming sixth page “Square”
  •        Renaming sixth page banner “Front Page Banner”
  •        Renaming sixteenth page “Directory Listing”.
  •        Renaming quarter page "1/4 Page"

2024-12-31 11 59 08 rename advert size.pngWhen you rename an advert size using Internationalise, all previous bookings will also be renamed (though invoices already raised will not change).

Make sure that the advert size you have renamed is enabled as described above.

Within Internationalise you can also change settings such as currency, time zone, date format and the way content is displayed, if you or your clients are outside the UK.

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