Setting up a new publication

NOTE: During your 30 day trial of MagManager, you can add your first publication when prompted by clicking on the button at the very top of the screen.

Adding a new publication

On the Settings Page (click on the cog wheel, top-right of the screen) > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Publications.

You will see a list of the publications you have set up. 

1. Click the green 'New Publication' Button

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2. This will open a dialogue box where you enter the following information:

  • The name of the new publication
  • The publishing interval
  • The start month and year
  • The number of pages in your publication including the front and rear covers. 
  • Click Save when you have finished, and your new publication will be set up.

NOTE: It is possible to change the number of pages from month to month from the flat plan, by adding and removing pages.


Setting publication defaults: advert sizes, sales targets & default prices

You can set defaults for the publication such as the copy deadline, sales targets and default price for various advert sizes and update the issue name eg Winter 20203 rather than December 2020.

On the Settings Page (click on the cog wheel, top-right of the screen) > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Publications > Select one of your publications. 

Select the Issues tab:

From here click the edit button far right and you can update the issue description, add a copy deadline date, sales target amount per issue and theme name.  To save changes click the same button which will now display the save icon.

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Select the defaults tab:

This is the place to set up which advert sizes are available to you in MagManager (the sizes you select will be available for both adverts and content across all publications in your account).

MagManager has a large number of advert sizes available, click the toggle switches to enable the ones you want to use. When you hover over the toggle switches, you will see a representation of how this advert size looks on a page.

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Adding new issues (months) to your publication

There are 3 ways of adding a new issue (month) to your publication

NOTE: MagManager will create your new issue based on the page count of the last created issue, not the last issue you sent to your printer. 

In the screen shot below the Indigo October 2025 issue will be created at 40 Pages. If you require your future issue to be at a higher or lower page count, you would add/remove pages from the September 2025 issue first then create the October 2025 and any future issues.

1 - Click on Publications in the top navigation bar > Click the green New Issue button to the right of the screen > Click the green Create Issue button for the months you want to create an issue for.

2 - Go to settings by clicking on the gear icon, top right of the screen > Under Publications & Bookings > Click Publications  > Click on the name of one of your publications. This will display a list of the issues already set up > Click the green New Issue button at the top right of the screen > Click the green Create Issue button for the months you want to create an issue for.

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 3 - It is also possible to create new issues of a magazine directly from the Client booking screen. To enable this feature, go to settings by clicking on the gear icon, top right of the screen > Under the  Settings header click on System Defaults > Under Site Defaults, switch on "Show Add Issue on Bookings”.


The green Create Issue button will then be available on the client booking screen.

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NOTE: If you have a bi-monthly publication, with an Jan/Feb issue, click Create Issue for January issue but not for the February issue.

You can read more about publication settings here.


Deleting issues from your publication

Click on Publications in the top navigation bar > Click the green New Issue button to the right of the screen > Click the green Create Issue button -  You will now see that any created issues which currently have no bookings show red.

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Click on any of these red buttons and confirm you wish to delete the issue.


NOTE: If you still have bookings or invoices relating to an issue, you will not be able to delete the issue until you first delete these.




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