To manager the user settings >Go to the main system settings page by clicking the Gear Icon - top right of screen > Under Admin > Select Users > A list of your current users will be displayed.
Adding A New User
To add a new user > Click on the green 'New User' button on the top right of the screen > the 'Create User' screen will appear. Here you can add the user name and email address and set their access permissions. The Password you set must be at least 8 characters long and contain both upper and lowercase letters and contain at a minimum of 1 number.
Tip: See the section below Controlling Users & Checking User Permissions which will allow you to view MagManager as that user. This is useful when you have restricted permissions for the user.
Editing An Existing User Settings
To edit the settings of an existing user > Click on the name of the user you want to edit > the 'Edit User' screen will appear. Here you can edit their permissions in the access area.
The User's Email Login
NOTE: Every user must be set up with a unique email address, you cannot use the same email address for two users.
You cannot change a user’s email address once it has been set- ask us if you need to do this. However, you can add an alternative email address by clicking on the user’s initials in the very top-right corner, and then clicking on My Details.
User Permissions
An admin user can access all the features of MagManager. To set a user as admin, tick the Admin box for that user under the user details.
For non-admin users, you can tick the boxes in the Access section to control which parts of MagManager they can use. For example, if Invoicing is not ticked for a user, they will not be able to see the Invoicing screen.
You can see what access a user in your team has in MagManager by clicking on the gear icon - top right of the screen > Under Admin heading select 'Users' > Find the users name from the list and click on 'control' to the right of the screen. This will log you in as them - click on the initials at the top-right of the screen and then choose "logout" so you can log out of their account and back to your own.
NOTE: Only admin users can create mailshots.
User Permissions - Example 1: Designer
For a designer who you want to be able to access the flat plan and see a list of all bookings (content and adverts).
If you only want the user to see artwork that is assigned to them on the Content screen, turn off Manage Content.
User Permissions Example 2: Sales Person
For a sales person who can view invoices and print from the clients page - you can adapt as appropriate.
On the clients page the print icon is visible.
User Permissions - Example 3: Sales Person with No Access To The Print Function On The Clients Page
As above but the 'Print From Pages' option is unticked - a user with this setting has NO access to the print function on the clients screen.
On the clients page the print icon is no longer visible.
Assigned Clients Only
If the Assigned Clients Only box it ticked, the user will only be able to see the clients in the account that are assigned to them, the will not be able to see any clients that are assigned to other users.
Controlling Users & Checking User Permissions
After setting up a new user, go back to settings and click on Users.
To access MagManager as that user and check you are happy with the settings > Click the Control button to the far right of the user's name.
To make any additional changes to the users setting, you will have to logout of the user's account and login back into your own admin account.
Disabling a user account
To disable a user account, On the main settings page Under Admin select Users > Click on the users name to edit the user and tick the “Account Disabled” box. You can untick this box later if you want to re-enable the user.
Show Users that have been Disabled
Go to Settings and click on Users.
At the top of the screen, you will see a switch to “Show Disabled Users”. Switch this on, and you will see disabled users with a cross by “Enabled”.
Reassigning clients to another user
Follow the steps above to show disabled users. In the "Action" column for a disabled user, you will be able to click on Reassign to assign everything to a different user.
The clients, actions and artwork will all be assinged to the new user.