To import customers to MagManager you must use the supplied template.
You can download the file from the bottom of this screen - look for MMTemplate.xls. Or download it from the import customers screen in MagManager. (Settings > Import > Import Customers).
The required fields are Company Name, Address 1, Postcode, First Name and Surname. They cannot be left blank. The other fields are optional and can be left empty.
Importing Clients To MagManager
MagManager will disaply the number of clients to be imported eg The blue button "Import 1 of 1 customers".
If there are any issues on your entries the import column will contain a red X, with a message in the Errors column. To sort the listing to display any entries with errors, click the up/down arrow to the right of the Errors heading. You can either ignore these and only the correctly formatted entries will be imported or click “remove file” update your spreadsheet and try uploading your file again.
Once you are happy - click the blue button "Import 1 of 1 customers" to import the clients to your MagManager account.
A green banner with the message Customer Imported will flash across the top of the screen.
Importing Bookings To MagManager Bookings
can be imported by using the MMTemplate Booking spreadsheet (you'll find a link at the bottom of the page). Once the data has been added send the spreadsheet to and the team will import these for you.