Note: The 'In Index' toggle switch settings found on advert and content details has no bearing on the index reports. It's function is in generating the AutoPublish index. In order to appear in these index reports the advert/content must be booked against a client and placed on the flatplan.
Note: if a client has company name "Big Company" is advertising as, "My Company", "My Company" will show in the index.
Note: For indices which include page numbers, only bookings that have been placed on the flat plan will show in the report.
Here's a brief summary of the index reports that can be found in reports under Indeces, along with screenshots to show you at a glance what you can expect.
Advertisers Category Grouped
This report allows you to select an issue of your magazine and will then show you all of the advertisers that have a booking in that issue. Advertisers are grouped by Category and Sub-Category.
Advertisers Index Grouped by Category
This report creates a very simple advertisers index grouped by the Categories that you have assigned to your customers. Choose a publication and an issue, and then click View Report. You can export your report to Word or PDF and then Copy and Paste the contents into your Desktop Publisher.
Advertisers Index Grouped by Section
This report creates a very simple advertisers index, as above, but this time grouped by the sections that you have assigned to your customers. Export it to Word or PDF and then Copy and Paste the contents into your Desktop Publisher.
Advertisers Index by Category
Downloading and Printing Reports
To download or print a report, click on the small disk icon, and choose the file format you want from the drop-down menu.
TIP: If you want to download your report without formatting, try downloading the CSV rather than the Excel spreadsheet.