The Client Details Tab

See also: Setting up a new client

Find the client you want by clicking on Clients in the main website navigation, and searching for your client. (You can also use the client quick search box at the top-right of the screen in most places in MagManager.)

All the information available on a client can be accessed from the client's page. Here we are looking at the options on the Details tab.




Start by entering the main contact information for your client- the Address line 1, Postcode, First Name and Last Name fields are required, so enter a “.” or something if you do not have this information. 

TIP: When you add a new client to MagManager, or create your first booking for a client, it is good practice to set up additional information that will be useful for selling and invoicing.

Assigned To User

To assign this client to one of your sales team, choose one of your users from the drop-down box. Then, all the bookings made for this client will be assigned to this user.

The Web & Social section

If you enter the full web address for your clients website (next to the cloud icon) and for their social media pages, then by clicking on appropriate icon, you will be taken right to that page.



Dymo address label printer

If you have a Dymo address label printer, you can easily print off an address from the client details screen by clicking the blue Dymo button that appears next to the address if you have MagManager set up for Dymo. To set this up, go to Settings and then System defaults, and switch on “Use Dymo Printer” toggle. (Supported label size is 89x28mm).

It is also possible to print a batch of addresses using the Dymo printer – this is done via the print icon on the Client screen. Read more about using the Dymo printer and troubleshooting here.

Invoice Delivery

Choose from Email, Post, By Hand, Other. You will then be able to select invoices by delivery method, (such as email) from the Invoicing screen.

Invoice Period

You can choose from Per Issue, Twice per Issue (useful for bi-monthly publications), 2 monthly and other options. You can read more about invoicing notes in the Invoicing notes.

Payment Method

Select from Cash, Cheque, Direct Debit, Debit Card, Credit Card, BACS, Standing order.

You can add a new payment method, or switch off any of the existing options, by going to Settings and clicking on Payment Methods in the Accounts section.

Selecting Direct Debit opens other options- see below.

Payment Terms

The default payment terms are set up by going to Settings and Company Details (in the Accounts section). If you wish to have different payment terms for a client, you can enter the number of days here. The payment terms can be included on your invoices.

Voucher Copies and Complimentary Copies

Clicking in these boxes will allow you to select from your publications. If you enter a publication in the Voucher Copies box, the client will be set up to receive a copy of the publication when they have a booking in that publication (you can enter more than one publication).

If you enter a publication in the Complimentary Copies box, the client will be set up to receive a complimentary copy regardless of whether they are booked in.

You can run a report to find a list of clients set up for voucher or complimentary copies, or to create bookings labels for these clients. This is done by going to the Reports screen.

See also: Complimentary Copies and Voucher Copies for more details.

Direct Debit clients

For clients that pay by direct debit, you can select Direct Debit from the Payment Method options. When you do this, two more boxes will appear, allowing the DD Reference (maximum 18 characters) and DD amount. These will then be added to the invoice for direct debit clients if you set up your invoice template to include the direct debit line.

See also: Direct Debit Clients for more details.

 TIP: It is also useful to set a flag for direct debit customers, so that you can easily find them in searches.

 Using company flags

Company flags allow for powerful searching on your clients. On the client details screen, you can easily assign a flag to a client by clicking in the box next to Flags.

The flags you select will show next to the client company name at the top of the individual client screen.

See also: Using Company Flags for details on setting up the flags.


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