Click on your initials at the top-right of the screen. To change your login password, click “Change Password”.
To change the email address you login with, click on your initials and then click “My Details”. Enter your new email address in the box next to “Alternative Email”, and then click on the green tick (check) icon to the right to make this the active login email address. If you want to add further email addresses, click on the green plus icon. Save when you have finished.
To change your name or company name, fill in the other fields in the “My details” screen.
NOTE: It is important to note that in MagManager, each email address must be uniquely identified with a user. This means that if someone else has previously logged in with this email address, or if you have used it in another MagManager setup, you won’t be able to use it again. Get in touch with us if this is an issue for you.