Page Backgrounds & Multi Page Content

Master pages are great when you need to reuse backgrounds on lots of pages, but sometimes you just need to add some background artwork on a page as a one off. 
MagManager allows you to add a full page artwork as a background image on a page. You can then place adverts straight over the top of it. The adverts will always appear in the foreground.
Important Note:  Adding a Page Background will add a page to your 'Other Content' figures on the main dashboard - meaning the 'Available Pages' figure will be 1 page lower than it actually is. Like wise with Multi Page Content which will add 2 pages.
Ensure you have Page Backgrounds / Multi Page Content switched on:
Click on the gear icon top right of screen > Under Publications & Booking heading select Publications > Click Magazine Name > Click Defaults Tab > locate Page Backgrounds, click the toggle switch to turn it green > Click Update.
Adding a Page Background:
On the left hand side of your flat plan click on ‘Page Background’, then simply drag ‘New Content’ onto the desired page and upload the artwork as normal.
Screenshot_2020-09-22_111513_page_background.png                           Screenshot_2020-09-23_110258_page_background.png
You will notice that you can see through a page background on the flat plan (the grid lines still appear). Now, drag adverts or content over and place on top of the page background. 
Adding a Multi Page Content:
On the left hand side of your flat plan click on ‘Multi Page Content’, then simply drag ‘New Content’ onto the desired page and upload the artwork as normal.
Screenshot 2024-07-12 161558 multi page content.jpg
You will notice that you can see through a Multi Page Content on the flat plan (the grid lines still appear). Now, drag adverts or content over and place on top of the Multi Page Content as required.
Multi Page Content is useful for adding a 1.5 page booking that has been designed as a spread.
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