When you send system emails from MagManager (confirmations, invoices & mailshots etc ) they are sent via the MagManager mail servers and they appear in your client's email as:
'Your Company Ltd via MagManager' with the reply email as noreply@magmanagernotifier.co.uk or noreply@magmanagermailer.co.uk
If you would prefer to have your emails routed through your own SMTP Mail Server see below:
NOTE: SMTP does not support 2 Factor Authentication on Outlook email accounts - this setting needs to be switched off in order to send emails via MagManager. SMTP uses basic authentication - username/password.
Route emails through your own SMTP Mail Server
The emails would be sent out from a single email account on your mail server and not from each individual user's email account. As an example they would be sent from info@yourcompany.co.uk and not from the users ie john@yourcompany.co.uk and mary@yourcompany.co.uk.
NOTE: If you decide to use your own mailserver any replies from your clients to emails sent from MagManager will only go to your email inbox. They will not appear in notifications or on the client timeline.
If it's something you'd like to set up, contact support and it can be switched on for you.
To set up the SMTP configuration you would need to add the following information to your System Defaults SMTP Settings in MagManager:
Server name
Email display name
Email address from
Username for email server
Password for email server
Secure setting Yes/No
Example Settings if using an office 365 mailbox:
The Email Reply To Name & Email Reply To Address should be left blank.
Settings Required in Office 365 Account
Since December 2022 Microsoft has set SMTP AUTH to be automatically disabled. You will need to enable this function for the specific mailbox you wish to send emails from.
Links below to Microsoft for further information:
Enable SMTP AUTH for specific mailboxes
How to set up a multifunction device or application to send email using Microsoft 365 or Office 365
Multiple Users
Once set up the emails will be sent from one generic email account and replies will go back to the same generic email account. If you have multiple users you will want to give them access to the generic mailbox or set up auto-forwarding of replies in the mailbox settings to the users that need to see these emails.
Set up a user in MagManager with the generic email address
If you do not already have a MagManager user with the generic email address, you will need to set one up.
To add a new user go to the main system settings page by clicking the cog wheel - top right of screen > Under Admin > Select Users > Click on the green 'New User' button - top right of the screen > The 'Create User' screen will appear. Here you can add the user name and email address and set their access permissions. The Password you set must be at least 8 characters long and contain both upper and lowercase letters and contain at a minimum of 1 number.
Trouble Shooting
Q - I have all the SMTP settings set up now and I sent a test message which came through fine, except...
In the MagManager system defaults, SMTP settings field for Email Display Name, I had entered 'My Magazine Name', as this is how I want our marketing emails to appear in client's inboxes, however looking at the test message the email display name in the From line is 'My First Name'. How do I change that to 'My Magazine Name'?
A - MagManager allows you to set up a display name, but a lot of email providers force you to use the one you setup when you created your account with them - this is to stop emails appearing from someone else. For example - if I was to change your display name to John Smith you would be sending emails that looked like they were from him but actually coming from your email address.
So whilst we have the display setting there, it's almost certainly being overriden by your email provider.
To fix it you will need to login to your account with your email provider and add a display name there.