Bleed on double page spreads

In this section we are going to look at bleed on double page spreads and address the question of:

Why is there no bleed showing on the inside margin of the final PDF or preview with trim?


When you upload a double page spread in MagManager this is what it looks like:

Uploaded file looks like this:


Preview with trim & Final PDF looks like this, you can see there are no bleed marks on the inside margins:



No Bleed - Double page spread on centre pages.

MagManager automatically removes the bleed from the inside margin rather than the printer having to remove it.  As the 2 pages that make up the centre spread are printed on the same single piece of paper and only the ouside, top & bottom margins will be trimmed.


No Bleed - Double page spread on pages other than centre

When printing double page spreads over pages other than the centre it is possible there could be a white line, but that is down to the printer cutting and folding the magazine properly. As the spread is being printed over 2 separate sheets of paper.

The important thing to understand here is that you’re not printing a single A5 sheet of paper that will be trimmed on all sides eg a flyer or leaflet.  In a standard saddle stitched magazine only the top, bottom and outer margins will be trimmed.


As an example we’ll look at a double page spread over pages 12 & 13 in an A5 saddle stitched publication. 

View of the finished layout:




Page 12 the left-hand page of the spread is printed on the same piece of paper as page 21. If the 3mm bleed is not removed it would extend 3mm onto page 21.  Which is why the printer will remove your inside margin bleed before printing, you only need bleed on the outer edges that will be trimmed.

View of pages 12 & 21 Printed together on a single sheet:




Like wise with page 13, the right-hand page of the spread is printed on the same piece of paper as page 20.  If the bleed on the inside margin is not removed it will extend onto page 20.

View of pages 20 & 13 printed on a single sheet:



As previously mentioned, when printing double page spreads over pages other than the centre it is possible there could be a white line, as your printer will remove the 3mm bleed from the inside margin before printing, and the final result is down to the printer cutting and folding the magazine properly.  If you do print these types of spreads it’s worth bringing it to the attention of your printer prior to print, so they can pay particular attention to it.

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