Onboarding Series Day 6 - Sales Pipelines

Day 6

1 Sales Pipelines


Welcome to day 6 of your MagManager onboarding series.

Today, we will be looking at Sales Pipelines and how you can use them within MagManager:

  • Sales Pipeline


A Sales Pipeline can help you with tracking your leads and improve your sales process. You can see all your leads in a single view this make sure every lead is touched and can follow the ideal steps of your internal sales procedures.

The sales pipeline provides a clear picture of the health of the overall pipeline and how your sales process is coming along.  By highlighting where there are potential gaps (need to prospect), too much work in progress (need to prioritise), or blockages in the pipeline that may indicate an issue with the sales process itself. This gives you and your team a better sense of control on how your lead generation should flow, helping you handle each lead better and in a more efficient manner.

1 Sales Pipelines

See this article for more information on Sales Pipelines


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