AutoPublish Index Examples

These notes cover examples of the AutoPublish Index and how the section and category settings on the client details tab affect the output of the index.  Followed by an example showing the set up of a section and it's categories.


The clients below have their Section, Main Category & Other Categories set up on their client details tab as below:


Based on those settings - you can see how they will appear in the AutoPublish Index


Index based on Sections:

Clients are listed in the index based on the section set on the client details tab. Clients will appear in only one section.



Note: Everyone is listed under their section.


Index based on Main Category:

Clients are listed in the index based on the main category set on the client details tab.  Clients will appear in only one category.



Note 1: Little Ted is not listed under a Category in the index - as a Main Category has not been set on the client details tab.

Note 2: Trades - Only Smith & Black appear under 'Trades' now, as they have Trades set as their main category.  While Roof & Co are now listed under 'Roofer' and AJ Builder & Sons under 'Builder', as they have those set as their main category.


Index based on All Categories:

Clients are listed in the index based on the main category AND other categories set on the client details tab - this setting allow your advertisers to appear in more than one category in the index



Note 1: Little Ted is not listed under a Category as this has not been set on the client details tab.

Note 2: Smith & Black are now listed under their main category 'Trades' and all their other categories too.


If you plan to use the Main Category or All Categories setting to create your index, you need to ensure that an entry for Main Category is set on the client details tab, other wise they will appear like Little Ted in the above examples.


How Sections & Categories Look On The Client Details Tab

In this example from the client details tab, the section 'Trades' has been selected. Setting this brings up a choice of Main Category and Other Categories.  Choose one from the dropdown box for the Main Category and as many as you like for the Other Categories.




How the Section & Category Choices Affect The Index

In the example above Smith & Black will appear in the index as follows:

Index based on Sections - 1 Section - Trades

Index based on Main Category - 1 Category - Trades

Index based on All Categories - 7 Categories - Trades, Builder, Electrician, Joiner, Plaster, Roofer, Tiler.


The key thing to be aware of in this example is, within the Section named 'Trades', you will also need to set up a Category named 'Trades', if you plan to use the Main Category or All Categories setting to create the index. 


How the Trades Section and It's Categories are Set Up






Setting Up Sections & Categories

Creating and managing sections

Go to System Settings > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Sections. You will see a list of the default Sections available, and how many (if any) Categories belong to that section.

Clicking on a section name allows you to modify it, you can select the text colour or the background colour you want for the section.

You can add a new section by clicking the green New Section button.

You can disable a section by un-checking the Enabled box.

When viewing Sections, If you click on the blue Categories button, you add new categories or modify existing categories.


Creating and managing categories

In MagManager, categories are sub-divisions within the sections you have set up. You can choose a main category and other categories for your clients.  This allows you to list your client in more than one category in your index.

You can set up categories by going to System Settings > Under Publications & Bookings > Select Sections > Locate the Section you want to add Categories to > Click the blue Categories button (the number indicates how many categories are already set up for each section) > Any categories already set up will be displayed.

To Add a New Category click the green New Category button.

Clicking on a section name allows you to modify the name.

You can disable a category by un-checking the Enabled box, the green tick will turn to a red X on the main listing.


Using a Single Section

You may find that you prefer to set up a single section eg All Sections and add all your listings as a Category of that.



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